I wanted to thank you for the quality of your work, as well as for how promptly you did it.
Céline Rothé – Ingénieure de recherche,
Chaire « Social Care: Lien social et Santé » EHESP
Many thanks to all those clients who took the trouble to express their appreciation of my work – it’s always a pleasure.
I wanted to thank you for the quality of your work, as well as for how promptly you did it.
Céline Rothé – Ingénieure de recherche,
Chaire « Social Care: Lien social et Santé » EHESP
Working with Jane is a real pleasure: always on time, she is very open to dialogue and offers several precise propositions when needed.
Sylvie Roche, Directrice projet at The Vibrant Project
Thanks again for your work – as precious as it is precise.
Renaud Crespin, Chercheur CNRS (CR1), CSO/CNRS/SciencesPo (UMR 7116)
Many thanks. I think the text is polished and successfully communicates the ideas I wanted to put forward.
Claude Martin, Directeur de Recherche CNRS,
Directeur de l’UMR6501, CNRS-UniversitéRennes1-Science Po Rennes
I wanted to let you know that my discussions with Jane Roffe this paper were very useful and informative. We re-submitted the article, and it’s just been accepted!
Wahida Kihal, Post doctorante en «Epidémiologie Spatiale»
It’s all perfect, thanks very much.
Michel Legros, Vice président du Conseil des Formations de l’Ecole
des hautes études en santé publique
Tout est parfait merci beaucoup.
Michel Legros, Vice président du Conseil des Formations
de l’Ecole des hautes études en santé publique
Thank you, Jane, I agree with all your corrections. Once again, it’s been a pleasure to work with you, and I appreciate your efficacy.
Maud Pelletier, Doctorante à l’Ecole des hautes études en santé publique
Our client has asked us to arrange proofreading of the attached file. She insists that it must be you! You’re in demand.
Annie Gautier
Chef de projets
Atlantique Traductions, Nantes
Your translation suits me perfectly… we are also delighted to be working with you.
Jérôme Gallois
Rédacteur en chef adjoint
Questions internationales
Here at the University of Brest’s IT Department, we’ve been working with Jane since 2009 with complete satisfaction.The translation and proofreeading she does for us is high-quality and attentive to detail, and she always meets our (often tight) deadlines. Jane keeps us informed of her progress and contacts us for clarification as necessary, to improve the quality of the translation. We are always impressed to see that although the source text may be highly technical, Jane comes up with a translation that is true, clear and easy to read.
Vincent Ribaud, enseignant-chercheur au laboratoire des sciences et techniques
de l’information, la communication et la connaissance (Lab-STICC, UMR 6285)
The quality of the translation is excellent and I particularly appreciated the workflow process which offers individual discussion of certains elements of the text prior to delivery, to make sure there is no misinterpretation of the meaning. This even helped me to improve my original writing!
Blanche Le Bihan, enseignant-chercheur en sciences politique au
département SHSC, Ecole des hautes études en santé publique
I’ve known and worked with Jane for many years now, and she’s never let me down. Over the years, we’ve got to know one another, we’ve learned to work together, and we’ve built up a genuine collaboration, based on trust and honesty. Jane and I have become friends – but she is first and foremost a professional translator you can really count on. Her work is careful, well-documented and always delivered bang on time. It’s a pleasure to work in such conditions, secure in the knowledge that she will come through for you. I can’t imagine working with anyone else now, so I hope she’s going to continue working in the noble business of translation.
Stéphanie Billaud, Responsable de Calliope International
Please contact me with the details of your project – via the handy form below, or by email, phone or Skype.
jane@oxford-comma.co.uk | +44 (0) 191 263 6244 | +44 (0) 776 208 9829 | Skype: jbr1404